Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today's house hunt was a total disaster! I had to cut it short! So, yesterday this realtor sends me a list of houses and I decide to check out the outside and the neighborhoods to see if they are even worth dragging the hubs to. So I load up my girls (mistake #1) and hit the road. I've got an iPhone so I use that as my GPS. I had 10 houses that I wanted to check out today. That was my goal. However, out of 6, I could only find 1! The entire time I was driving, Chloe (the baby) was barking. Loudly. Jaci wasn't much better. She was whining the entire time!! They were driving me insane! 

While I was driving, I saw like 5 GORGEOUS houses for sale. I called to see if the owners would consider renting and, of course, they said no. When I proceeded to ask the realtors if they had any homes for rent, they told me to look on the internet or in the paper. Um, duh!  Excuse me for not having $500,000 to drop on a house I'm only going to live in for six months! So I gave up on the other 4 and went back to the hotel. 

I'm emailing back and forth with a realtor right now to see if she has anything. Her response was that she had one. One house.  That's all. And she only deals with rentals. I'm about to go check it out. I don't think we're going to get a pool or the lake...



d.a.r. said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds so so so frustrating!!! I hope you guys have better luck!

jlc said...

Oh no!!! Hope you find something soon!

Can you rent somewhere instead??

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Don't they know who you are?!?

Tagged you on my blog!

Hopes for a better day hunting tomorrow. maybe you should wear camo...

Lindsey said...

Oh no I'm so sorry!!

The Rest Is Still Unwritten

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Freelance Writer. Online Boutique Owner. Mommy of a boy and a girl. Always stir crazy. A schedule hater and free time lover.

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