There are 2 rules once you receive this:
1. You must list 5 current obsessions.
2. You must pass this on to 5 people.
So...My 5 current obsessions are as follows:
1. My new house! I'm sure you could have guess that but it's true! I'm loving the house and can't wait to be completely settled!
2. White couches. I really really really want white couches for my sitting room. I want to paint the room turquoise and have white couches with pink, turquoise and green pillows...I love it...but I can't find any that I like for a reasonable price!
3. InDesign. I love my job laying out pages for the paper and I really really want to start designing invitations and cards as a freelance gig.
4. Slushies from Sonic. It's 1000 degrees here...need I say more?
5. Macee. My sweet puppy who I have to get spayed next month and am terrified to do so. Wanna know why? Read here...
Thank you Katie! The lovely ladies that I tag are:
1. Heather at Live. Love. Laugh.
2. Annie at Chapters of our Life
3. Megan at In this wonderful life
4. Steph at Adventures of Jon and Steph
5. Brooke at oofa luffa le
Be sure to check out their blogs...they are some of my faves!
Have a wonderful weekend ladies! I'm spending the night hanging with my hunnie and then tomorrow the unpacking and cleaning continues, a birthday party for my grandma and then Sunday I plan to finish all of the cleaning and unpacking! ALL OF IT!!!