We had a great time in San Diego but we are so happy to be home! There's definitely no place like it. San Diego was a great place for vacation and we really did it up vacation style. We had absolutely no plans other than a wedding on Saturday! It was lovely.
I have several pics that I want to share with you all so I will break my trip down into a few posts.
My absolute favorite thing about San Diego was visiting La Jolla and seeing the sea lions. Friends, these animals are so ugly that they just might be the cutest things I've ever seen.
My hormones may have been a little out of whack because seeing the sea lions in their natural habitat had me nearly sobbing. It was such an amazing thing to see.
As you can see, Baby Curbow is growing and giving me a belly and chubby face. But, I'll take it. As long as the baby holds on tight and doesn't go anywhere!
I've missed you all and cannot wait to catch up on what's been going on in your lives!