Lately I swear I have been in a world of my own. My time is different than your time. I'm hungry when nobody else is. I leave my house with no shoes on. I cheat in Pilates.
My own little world...Here are a few things that have been my guilty pleasures since I now have the excuse, "but I'm pregnant."
• I LIVE in yoga pants and think that is perfectly acceptable. Even though I don't do yoga except on a very, very rare occasion.
(and pray daily that I will look like her when I am far along.)
• I nap almost daily.
(most days, this is how I feel come 2 p.m.)
• I eat entire baskets of strawberries and don't even feel bad that I didn't leave any for anyone else.
(ok, maybe I shouldn't feel guilty about this one.)
• Cupcakes. I've never been a huge cake eater but OMG...I looove cupcakes right now. And I'm wishing I lived in NYC so I could have Billy's Bakery every. single. day. No shame. And no, not Magnolia, because Billy's is the best. Period. I'm sorry, but Carrie Bradshaw lied to you.
(and trust me, you don't want to argue with a pregnant girl.)