I need to learn new stretches...what do you do? How do you stay flexible? HELP!
Speaking of bending over and touching your toes....Has anyone watched Kourtney and Khloe take Miami? 'Cause I'm lovin' it! I loved Keeping Up With the Kardashians but only because of Kourtney and Khloe...Kim is stupid and a little mean but the other girls are ha-larious! I can't wait for Sunday when Khloe tries to pimp out Kourtney hehe!!
I'm really excited because my good friend SAS will be in town tonight and I can't wait to see her! She's coming from Dallas and will only be here for 2 nights so I'm beyond thrilled!!!
I love that show, I got sucked in, haha!
I love that show. Guilty pleasure. Not liking that she is preggo though. I agree I hate Kim.
never seen the show so I cannot relate :-/
stretches... butterfly stretch. spread eagle. check out self or women's health.com, they always have great things on there
Still haven't seen that show. Those girls are crazy!
I use my big exercise ball to do stretches on and I love it. I have lower back problems and it REALLY helps!
I haven't watched that show of course, but it sounds fun! Isn't one of them pregnant?
Tell SAS I said hello. I haven't talked to her in years!
i love that show!
i'm not flexible at all! i really should be stretching more myself.
i run on the treadmill at the gym and lately my legs have been killing me...boo!
LOVE Kortney & Khloe!! (but i love Kim too)!! good luck on the stretching!
I'm a total tv-aholic. It's sick. And I just made it worse by getting DVR! Help me!
I love the Kardashians. Although it can bug me how disrespectful they can all be towards each other. I know that every family has a different dynamic, but sometimes Khloe takes it too far!
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