Friday, May 1, 2009

Honesty Week

Apparently, this week was honesty week. I heard it on the radio and I believe everything I hear on the radio. So, I decided to do an honesty post to tell you a little bit about myself.

1. I treat my dogs like they are my kids. I even punish them by putting them in the corner.

2. When I drive long distances, I freak myself out when the same person is behind me for a long period of time because I think they are following me. Just ask my husband, we experienced this last night.
3. I am extremely lazy and it's my disdain for lazy people that gets me going.
4. I truly think the greatest men on the planet are my husband, my dad, my brother and my grandpa.

5. I easily get hooked on Lifetime movies. That suck.
6. I don't really like chocolate. 
7. I desperately want to be a Real Housewife of New York City.
8. Or on the Hills.
9. My dream job is being an editor at Hearst. Not even gonna picky about the publication!
10. I sometimes feel insanely guilty for interning in Houston while my husband is in Mississippi.
11. My internship is the first job I've ever had where I'm excited to wake up and go to work in the morning.
12. If I could go back and re-do my wedding, I would have worn my hair up, and picked a different dress.
13. I would pick-up and move to almost anywhere in a heartbeat. Some places with no questions asked. 
14. I wish that I had some kind of device in my car that would tell other drivers exactly what I think of them.
15. Rachael Ray and Mylie Cyrus annoy the crap out of me. Although, thanks to Lindsey (again) her new song is growing on me and I would probably love it if someone else sang it.
16. I still like Britney Spears.
17. When I see bad kids, I honestly think about never having them.
18. I do not like Jen Lancaster. Other than Bitter is New Black, which I thought was hilarious, I think she's mean, self-indulgent, narcissistic and a little bit of a B.
19. I could go shopping every day but I get incredibly pouty when I can't buy anything.
20. I absolutely adore my husband who I met in a "honky-tonk", proposed to me at a George Strait rodeo concert and thinks we are Bud and Sissy from Urban Cowboy...





d.a.r. said...

Love this post!!

Lindsey said...

What a fabulous post! And I'm so glad you are starting to like Miley's song, it's addicting huh?!

I love your wedding dress!!

How is the Shred going friend?
Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Running In Stilettos said...

I think we are destined to be friends! It's ridiculous how many of these things apply to me! Except, I would have kept the same wedding dress but worn my hair down! I hate my hair up, so i don't know what the heck I was thinking!

CAC muffin said...

I wish my car told people what i thought of them too and was bullet proof so they couldnt shoot me!

And the award was alittle confusing- thank god you thought so too! I was just slow :) have a great weekend

New Girl on Post said...

Bud and Sissy! I LOVE Urban Cowboy! You are too cute.

Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

Uh oh. I love Jen Lancaster, what does that say about me? Ha!

And if I could do my wedding again I would wear my hair down. Dang grass always being greener.

Have you picked out a scrapbook kit for your blog yet?

jlc said...

Yay for Honkey Tonks!! And Brit! And liking Miley's new song (I confess. I like it too.)!

Unknown said...

14-17 ...yessssssssssss.

Princess Freckles said...

LOVE this!

nanny said...

What a great post!
Your wedding dress is beautiful and you hair looks great!!!
I agree with you on #2
I admire you for #4
Same here on #6
Don't worry about #10 - it is temporary!!! right?
#20 is just great!!!

J.J. said...

Hey Sissy :) (that is so cute)
How funny that you don't really like chocolate!
I am not a Rachael Ray fan either. I don't hate her, but I will flip the channel.
Too funny!

Jordan said...

To parrot everyone else, this is an awesome post! I loved getting to know you better, and I smiled at how many of your "honesties" apply to me!

The Rest Is Still Unwritten

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Freelance Writer. Online Boutique Owner. Mommy of a boy and a girl. Always stir crazy. A schedule hater and free time lover.

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